Our foundation bitches

Ninotcka was our foundation bitch born 1968 out of Ch Ekhaga Nicolaus and Reyas Rubeckia. She was BOS at the National 1974, under Robin Searle, kennel Francehill, England. She had two litters. The first with Fargo of Golden-West and the second with Ch Daragoj Waschja. From the first litter, we used Leicro's Zargo and Leicro's Zorina in our breeding program. From the first litter, we exported Leicro's Zaragevo to USA. Perhaps Zaragevo is the most important puppy for us and the breeding in Sweden. From the second litter, we used Ch Leicro’s Zandor, who was our first BIS at the Nationals, under Margot Lindgren, Sweden, Ch Leicro’s Zmirnoff and Ch Leicro’s Zilla. The most important offspring from Zandor, who became father to two litters before he was exported to Charlotte Wheeler, kennel V’Indra, USA, was Olagus Niltitjinov. Zmirnoff had three litters, two at home and one at kennel Yermoloff’s. The most important offspring from Zmirnoff was Ch Leicro’s Russian Zartugas and Ch Yermoloff’s Rasboi. Zilla was bred four times and she produced four champions. A son Leicro’s Russian Zimjatov was exported to Belgium and still today you can find him in the pedigrees. 

Ninotcka 1
SE Ch Ninotcka (Int Ch Ekhaga Nicolaus x Reyas Rudbeckia)

Early in 1972 we got an address to Charlotte Wheeler in USA where we should order a book. After some letters, we decided to send Leicro's Zaragevo to her and we should get V’Indra’s Vanity from her. At the same time as Vanity is arriving to the quarantine in Finland, Charlotte is calling us and tell us that Vanity can be in whelp, and so she was. She got eight puppies out Nikolia of Obskaya. In this litter, there was a shining star, Ch Leicro's Z'Splendid Copy who became an Int Ch and was BOS at the National 1979 under Goran Bodegard, Sweden beaten by his daughter Ch Leicro’s Russian Zilverina, He was used by us six times and outside the kennel seven times. Some of the most important puppies from him was Ch Leicro’s TaziCh Leicro’s Russian Zpirit of the Czar, BOS at the National 1984 under Johanna Broymans, Netherlands, and Leicro’s Russian Zchats who became the foundation bitch for kennel Zcatsaj’s who produced a lot of winning progeny both in Sweden and Finland. Vanitys second litter were with Leicro’s Zargo, a son out of Ninotcka. From this litter, it’s the daughter Ch Leicro’s Russian Zogra who will be the important one when she is bred to Ch Leicro’s Zmirnoff and gets the son Ch Leicro’s Russian Zartugas. For Vanitys third litter we used a son out of Ch Leicro’s Zandor, Olagus Niltitjinov. From this litter comes Ch Leicro’s Russian Zadhel, BIS 1981 at the National under Lyle Gilett, kennel Ranco Gabriel, USA and the female Leicro’s Russian Zoobel of Matalona who was exported to Eileen Ruggles, kennel Matalona. She was bred four times but her offspring had no influence in the English breeding. We used Zadhel to Ch Leicro’s Zilla and from that we got the female Ch Leicro’s Russian Zience Fiction, who was BIS at the Narional 1986 under Betty Denman, kennel Astafiev, USA. To the fourth litter we used Penmirek and from this combination you can find a female behind Ch Basic Winsome Skywalker.

Int Ch V'Indras Vanity (V'Indras Saint George x V'Indras Alpine Phantom Flight)

In 1984 Ch Astafiev Snow Sybil arrives to the quarantine and she makes her show debut during 1985. She became champion in three shows and was also BIS under Graham Hill, kennel Dimland at the National this year. To her first litter we used a son of Vanity, Ch Leicro’s Russian Zadhel, and three puppies are born when we are at the conference in USA and the nuclear reactor in USSR is burning. There were three puppies and two of them became champion, Ch Leicro’s Russian Zofisticated Lady and Ch Leicro’s Russian Znow Storm. From this litter, we bred Lady who together with Ch Warlock’s Astafiev Tarnhelm give us Ch Leicro’s Russian Zandstorm who was BOS at the National 1994 under Sonja Olesen, kennel Don-Cosacken, Sweden and BIS 1995 under Anna Katja Berbalk, kennel Stephuns, Gemany and Ch Leicro’s Russian Zo Zolid Lady which we bred to J’Yori des Princes de Kazan that give us another BOS at the National 1998, Ch Leicro’s Russian Zilver Dollar, under Joan Mybea, kennel Olias, England,  and 2000 under Karen Staudt-Cartabona, kennel Majenkir, USA. Her second litter is out from Ch Leicro’s Dallas. She got nine puppies and the most famous is Ch Leicro’s Russian Zvoja, BIS at the National 1989 under Claire Simmonds, kennel Waycross, England BOS 1990 under Richard Duckwort, kennel Sholwood, England, BIS 1991 under Bo Bengtsson, kennel Bohem, USA and BIS 1993 under Jim Clark, kennel Dekaos, England, Ch Leicro’s Russian Ztrike, BIS at the National 1990 under Richard Duckwort, kennel Sholwood and Ch Leicro’s Russian Zaprak, BOS at the National 1993 under Jim Clarke, kennel Dekaos. We exported Leicro’s Zo Hipper Dipper to Betty Denman kennel Astafiev. We bred Zvoja to Zandstorm and that gave us Ch Leicro’s Ztorm EagleLeicro’s Russian Zneda who became foundation bitch for kennel Lynx and Ch Leicro’s Russian Zoja, who like her mother and grandmother is BIS at the Nationals 1999 under Fred v d Zanden, kennel Triumfus Dyonisus, Netherlands and 2001 under Loraine Grosshans, kennel Loral, USA. We also used Leicro’s Russian Zkydreamer and there we got Ch Leicro’s Russian Zanza who was exported to Carol Kubiak-Zamora, kennel Phaedra. Ztorm Eagle was used by kennel Yermoloff’s, Ch Yermoloff’s Chodlik who became an important stud dog, Sahejeev’s and Basnjan. His most famous offspring from our kennel is Ch Leicro’s Russian Ztorm Clouds who we exported to Gustaaf Gillemot, kennel Wisinskaja, Belgium, Ch Leicro’s Russian Zellawie who was exported to Wendy Finlayson, kennel Mayvale, New Zeeland, and is her foundation bitch, Ch Leicro’s Russian Zilver Doll was BIS at the National 1998 for Joan Mabye, kennel Olias, England and Ch Leicro’s Russian Ztepflower. For Sybils third litter we bred her to Leicro’s Russian Zovit who is a mixture of Ninotcka and Vanity. From this litter, we exported two to Australia, Ch Leicro’s Zilver Fox of Mistraka and Leicro’s Zilver Lining of Mistraka and two to England, Leicro’s Zilver Shadow of Dimland and Leicro’s Zilver Spirit of Vronsky. Those four dogs have had a great impact for the breeding in Australia, New Zeeland and Europe. Sybils last litter is out of Ch Basic Winsome Skywalker, who mostly goes back to Ninotcka and Vanity. Two males became champions, Ch Leicro’s Russian Znow Race and Ch Leicro’s Russian Znow Ravine. Today you will find Sybil in pedigrees in Europe, USA, Russia, Australia and New Zeeland.

Astafiev Snow Sybil
SE Ch Astafiev Snow Sybil (Ch Astafiev Majenkir Mikiev x Ch Kumasan Astafiev Cream Puff)

For Zoja we used Ch Wassilow v Triumfys Dyonisos and from that litter we got Leicro’s Russian ZwartkopfLeicro’s Russian Zezzan and Ch Leicro’s Russian Zcharmia who was exported to Ron Frolley, kennel Zoloto, Australia. Zessan became BOS at the National 2004, under Anna Shubikina, Russia and was the fourth generation of female winners at the Nationals, Sybil – Zvoja – Zoja – Zezzan. We also kept Leicro’s Zymbolika and on her we used Leicro’s Russian Ztorm Victory, BIS at the National 2005 under Gina Rose, kennel Stonebar England. From that litter, we exported Leicro’s Russian Zebeede to kennel Tollhaus, Germany and Leicro’s Russian Zikada to kennel Golden West, Finland. Zwartkopf had 5 litters and among those puppies was Ch Leicro’s Russian Ztarshine which we exported to Carol Kubiak-Zamora, kennel Phaedra, USA, Ch Leicro’s Ztarstrike and Ch Leicro’s Russian Ztargirl to Gale Snoddy, kennel Melockoff, USA. We kept Leicro’s Russian Ztarwar who became BOS at the Nationals 2007 under Thomas Miralles, kennel Hinschka’s, France. This was the last time we show a borzoi on the Nationals. During this time, we imported four dogs to get new blood to our lines. It was Sholwood SondheimCh Sholwood Shot SilkCh V’Indra’s Irek and Pierre-Maitre de Tchesskaia, we used him on Ch Leicro’s Russian Zilent Sunrise and from that we exported Ch Leicro’s Russian Zuntan to Ron Froley, kennel Zoloto, Australia, Pierre was later exported to Canada where he became a champion. We used Irek on Leicro’s Zolka Zatre, Ztorm Eagle-Shot Silk, and there we exported Ch Leicro’s Russian Zoloto Zima to Ron Frolley, kennel Zoloto, Australia. We also used her on Zwartskopf and from that litter we exported Ch Leicro’s Russian Zolka Zara to Natalia Uvarov, kennel is Razdolia, Russia.

In January 2006 Lillemor was on her way to Arlanda Airport with three puppies. It was early in the morning and it was slippery and the car slid sideways and turn up and down. She became seriously injured and had to operate her left knee and problem with her back. So, after that there were not so much of showing borzoi. The last litter was after Ahsatan Konnection to Leicro – Leicro’s Russian Zuntrip. To see what had happened with the dogs that we have exported go to www.theborzoifiles.net.

We have been awarded the Swedish Sighthound Club and the Swedish Borzoi Club, Borzoi-Ringen, medal for our breeding. 


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